§ 1 Glossary

  1. Seller, Administrator - Paweł Wyszkowski, conducting business activity under the name "TANDEM
    BAITS" WYSZKOWSKI PAWEŁ, Piotrowice 45, 55-311 Kostomłoty, NIP: 9131200715, e-mail
    address: karp@tandembaits.com.
  2. Shop - the website belonging to the Seller, available at the domains www.tandembaits.com,
  3. User - any entity browsing the content of the Shop.

§ 2 Personal data protection

  1. The administrator of personal data processed on the Shop's website is the Seller.
  2. Personal data are processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the
    European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in
    relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing
    Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the so-called RODO and the currently
    applicable regulations of Polish law.
  3. The Seller processes personal data in order to:
    1. to enable the User to enter the Shop website and browse its content (legal basis: Article 6(1)(a)
    2. to enable the Store User to make use of the newsletter available on the Store website (legal basis:
      Article 6(1)(a) RODO),
    3. account registration on the Shop website (legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) RODO),
    4. the conclusion and performance of a contract for the sale of goods (legal basis: Article 6(1)(b)
    5. the handling of the contact form (legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) RODO),
    6. the transfer of the User's personal data to ING Bank Śląski S.A. (hereinafter also as the "Bank") in
      connection with:
      1. the provision by the Bank to the Seller of the service of making available the infrastructure for
        handling payments over the Internet (legal basis: art. 6(1)(f) RODO),
      2. the Bank's handling and settlement of payments made by the Shop's customers over the Internet using
        payment instruments (legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA),
  4. In connection with the processing of personal data for the purposes specified in § 2(3), the User's
    personal data may be made available by the Seller to other recipients or categories of recipients of
    personal data, which may be:
    1. ING Bank Śląski S.A,
    2. PayPall
    3. Stripe hosting company,
    4. a company dealing with presentation of advertisements adapted to the User's preferences,
    5. a company optimising the functioning of the Shop,
    6. courier company,
    7. postal operator,
    8. electronic payment service,
    9. law firm.
  5. In addition, the Seller may share the personal data collected from the User with entities indicated in
    the messages appearing on the website of the Shop. Such entities process data on the basis of a
    contract with the Seller and only in accordance with the instructions of the Seller. The Seller does not
    transfer data outside of Poland/EU/European Economic Area.
  6. The User's personal data shall be processed for a period justified for the purposes indicated in § 2.3, in
    particular until the Seller holds the consent granted by the User, until the end of the period of
    limitation of potential claims under the sales agreement and for the period necessary to fulfil the
    Seller's legal obligation (e.g. resulting from tax or accounting regulations).
  7. The User has the right to access their data and to receive a copy of their data, the right to rectify
    (amend) their data, the right to delete their data (if, in the User's opinion, there are no grounds for the
    Seller to process the User's data, the User may request that the Seller delete them), the right to restrict
    data processing (the User may request, the Seller to restrict the processing of the User's personal data
    only to their storage or to perform actions agreed with the User, if, in the opinion of the User, the
    Seller has incorrect data on the User or processes them unjustifiably), the right to object to the
    processing of data, the right to data portability, the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory
    authority (President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw) and the
    right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data (the User has the right to withdraw
    consent to the processing of data at any time; withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of
    processing carried out on the basis of the User's consent before its withdrawal). In order to exercise
    these rights, the request should be addressed to the email address: karp@tandembaits.com or in person
    at the Seller's premises.
  8. If the User provides personal data in order to conclude an agreement with the Seller, the provision of
    personal data by the User is a condition for concluding this agreement. Providing personal data in this
    situation is voluntary, however, the consequence of failing to provide such data will be the inability to
    conclude the contract with the Seller.
  9. In the case when the provision of personal data by the User takes place in order to transfer the User's
    personal data to Twisto Polska sp. z o.o. prior to concluding the agreement of sale of goods (or
    services) purchased in the Shop, the transfer of such data is the condition of concluding the agreement
    of sale in connection with the business model of conducting activity adopted by the Seller.
  10. In the case of transferring the User's personal data to the Bank in connection with the handling and
    settlement of payments made by the User to the Seller via the Internet with the use of payment
    instruments, the provision of the data is required in order to execute the payment and transfer the
    confirmation of its execution by the Bank to the Seller.
  11. In the case of the transfer of the User's personal data to the Bank in order for the Bank to verify the
    proper performance of the agreements concluded with the Seller, in particular to ensure the protection
    of the interests of the payers in connection with their complaints, the provision of such data is required
    in order to enable the performance of the agreement concluded between the Seller and the Bank.
  12. If the customer chooses the payment method offered by PayPal, the payment will be processed
    through the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal,
    L-2449 Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as "PayPal"), subject to the Terms of Use of PayPal,
    available at https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full or, if the customer does
    not have a PayPal account, subject to the Terms of Payment without a PayPal account, available at
    https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/privacywax-full. If the customer pays via the payment
    method offered by PayPal, which can be selected during the online ordering process, the seller
    declares its acceptance of the customer's offer already at the moment the customer clicks the button
    that completes the ordering process.
  13. If the payment method offered by Stripe is selected, the payment processing is offered by the payment
    service provider StripeTechnology Europe, Limited ("Stripe PSP") and is subject to the supervision of
    the Central Bank of Ireland. The Central Bank of Ireland has authorised Stripe PSP as an electronic
    money institution under reference number C187865. Stripe PSP does not offer any form of deposit or
    savings account. Stripe PSP is not part of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme or the Deposit
    Guarantee Scheme.
  14. To the extent that the Services are authorised payment services, Stripe PSP is the sole provider of such
    services. Stripe is not a bank and does not accept deposits.

§3 Cookies

The Shop website uses cookie files. They are used to ensure maximum convenience for all users
(including Users) when using the Shop (remembering preferences and settings on the website,
collecting anonymous data for advertising and statistical purposes, also by other portals, including
social networks such as Facebook). Using the Shop without changing the settings in the browser
concerning cookies means that they will be placed on the final device (e.g. computer) of each User. If
the User does not agree to the use of cookies, they should change their browser settings. Here is more
information about cookies.

© 2020 Tandem Baits